The complete Estill Level One & Two Course presented by Dorte Hyldstrup, DK, Jaana Turunen, FI & Antti Annola, FI.
The course gathers via four x three hours Zoom online meetings & three full days of in-person course in Kuopio.
If the on location training is not possible, due to the pandemic, this part of the course will be postponed!
Online via Zoom: 22/4 & 29/4 from 17:30-20:30, 07/5 from 10 – 13 & 22/5 from 13 – 16
On location in Kuopio: 26/5 from 10 – 21, 27/5 from 9 – 18 & 28/5 from 9 – 16
Reduced prices for:
- students 4.025 DKK / 540 €
- voice professionals in groups of five or more from the same working place 4.475 DKK / 600 € (please send an email to for an invoice)
- participants who have taken online courses earlier 3.750 DKK / 500 €
- schools that send minimum 5 students 3.750 DKK / 500 € (please send an email to for an invoice)
The prices do not include the EVI Ressources Fee!
The EVT Ressources Fee includes 2 PDF´s ($ 70) of the current course workbook and supports the advancement & quality of EVT materials and technology for courses and certification. This fee is required for all new and returning participants for all courses.